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chiseled in中文是什么意思

用"chiseled in"造句"chiseled in"怎么读"chiseled in" in a sentence


  • 凹刻


  • Adam won ' t allow anyone to chisel in on his profits
  • The man who offers an insult writes it in sand , but for the man who received it , it ' s chiselled in bronze
  • The man who offers an insult writes it in sand , but for the man who received it , it ' s chiseled in bronze
  • For meeting the related nantional standards and avoiding demolishment of the building , the underpinning and strengthening methods are used , with which the loads of center column are underpined by the diagonal steel strut and the cross - sectional areas of side pillar are strengthened , both ends of shear wall are chiseled in turn and then concrete is poured again
用"chiseled in"造句  
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